Emergency Firebreak Control 8000

Emergency Firebreak Control 8000 is designed to help create and maintain firebreaks, acting as a crucial barrier against the uncontrolled spread of wildfires. Its advanced features ensure effective fire suppression and control, making it a valuable asset in emergency situations.


Binder: Emergency Firebreak Control has no binder - it has to be re-applied after a rain storm. Product converts to fertilizer.
Mixing instructions: add 250 g/per litre of water, product is highly water-soluble.
Spread rate: 4m2 to 6 m2 per litre depending on the density of the vegetation.
Special notes: Do not mix product with any other chemical, use only plastic equipment (e.g. plastic garden sprayer). Do not use equipment that has copper, brass, steel or aluminium fittings.

Benefits and uses:
• Emergency Firebreak Control 8000 is easy to apply
• Emergency Firebreak Control 8000 fights fires, extinguishing fires quicker than using water alone
• Control fires when creating fire breaks and use as an emergency barrier in high-fire risk seasons
• Emergency Firebreak Control 8000 is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, converting to fertiliser. 
• Ideal to use in suburban areas where normal fire breaks are not allowed or practical and can be used on thatch roof overhangs bordering open veld or high risk areas as a preventative measure in a high-risk situation. 


"Our lapa was struck by lightening recently. As a result, the chimney was damaged, causing hot bricks to fall everywhere on the treated thatch roof. Remarkably, only a small part sustained any damage. The thatch didn't catch fire - it only smouldered a little. The damage was contained to a piece the size of a rugby ball. I'm thankful that I had the treatment done!

- Siegfried Heydentych